Seven Sleepers Cave Ephesus

Seven Sleepers Cave Ephesus

Seven young guys has deep believe and worship in God , object to obey paganism cult and idols. Its believe that the king Decius 250 AD forced citizens to worship pagan idols whoever do not obey to order would be killed. I order to be killed seven young guys escapes to cave near Ephesus , asleep long years and centuries by miracle when they wake up the word is changed. Its believed that when hey wake up it was 435 AD the reign of Emperor Theodosius.  Seven Sleepers Cave Ephesus

The seven young men went in to the Ephesus they surprised that Christianity was free churches are built all around. Its also believing that they died naturally and buried in the the cave. They built church above the grave of seven sleepers. Today there is not much to see from the church ,its collapsed down by the earthquakes. In islam religion the same story mentioned in Kuran with the same version, in islam the seven young man an a dog. Excavation in between 1927 and 1930 carried out some of the objects that they use in the church like oil lamps dated back to fifth century A.D  Seven Sleepers Cave Ephesus

seven sleepers cave ephesus